Convenient Access to Privacy Chain Data

Tokenview provides comprehensive APIs support for privacy chain projects such as XMR and DASH, ensuring that you can easily access and analyze relevant data.
Privacy Wallet
The privacy chain can hide the sender, receiver and transaction amount of the transaction to ensure that the transaction information is not disclosed.
Anonymous Payment
Privacy chains enable anonymous payments, ensuring users' digital currency transactions are more discreet and secure.
dApps that enhance privacy
Privacy chains can be utilized to develop applications that require enhanced privacy protection, such as private messaging apps and anonymous voting systems.

What You Can Do on Privacy Chains

Privacy APIs enables you to easily access and use privacy chain data

Seamlessly access and interact with XMR, DASH, and other privacy-focused blockchains. Get address balance from mixed on-chain data.
Unlock the full potential of privacy chains with Tokenview's APIs integration
Node Cluster Supports
All data are from self-built node cluster, no wrong, no loss
Rich Kinds Of Data
Address, Transaction, Block, Balance
Unified RESTful APIs

Why Tokenview

Trusted by 200,000+ web3 Developers

Data Diversity

HTTP RESTful API in JSON, Raw CSV, Raw Block, Webhook, Customization

High Availability

Heterogeneous and redundant systems to get 100x faster request response times

High Stability

Huge node cluster has high scalability, consistency and stability

Real-time Capability

Quickly fetch metrics across multi-chain and response in-time

Data Accuracy

Deliver accurate and consistent data that enables scalability from multiple nodes

Web3 made Easy.

Build your Web3 Project with Tokenview now.