5.Questions about Tokenview Infura
6.Questions about Stablecoins APIs
1. Registration and Login Issues
Didn't receive the verification code in your email?
Please check spam first or try sending the verification code again. If you still haven't received it,please contact us through community support for feedback
The dashboard data doesn't display?
1. Check if the network is connected properly.
2. Check official notifications to see if the service is undergoing an upgrade.
3. Without the above situation occurs, please contact us via community support.
2. Payment Problems
After payment, APIKEY does not take effect and the call returns status code 401.
1. Please check if the payment address and amount are correct first.
2. Different projects have different APIKEYs. For example, Blockchain APIs APIKEY cannot be used in Address Tracking projects.
3. If it still doesn't work, please contact us through community support.
Can I change the address at will according to the payment level for address tracking? For example, for 1-10 addresses, is it ok to delete old addresses and add new addresses to ensure that the number of monitored addresses is within the 10 range?
Yes. Addresses can be deleted and added. Make sure that every time you delete or add an address, it is still within the range.
The page does not display the correct 'remaining time' after payment?
It takes 5 minutes from payment completion to APIKEY activation.Refresh the page after 5 minutes. If the correct duration is still not displayed, please contact us
How to deal with invoices and payment in RMB?
If you need an invoice, please make a corporate transfer and contact customer service to apply for an invoice. If you want to pay in RMB, please contact us.
3. Questions about Blockchain APIs
How to check the status of an unconfirmed transaction?
Unconfirmed transactions refer to transactions that have not been packaged and uploaded to the chain. The transaction status is usually determined by the number of confirmations. Different chains can indicate different confirmation numbers for safe arrival. Please choose according to the actual situation. Tokenview API will poll the confirmation number. removing transactions from the unconfirmed list once their confirmation count exceeds 0.
Is it possible to determine the token status and whether the token has expired?
The Tokenview API is currently unable to determine.
How to use Tokenview‘s RPC Nodes?
Please go to the Tokenview Node As A Service page for detailed information.
What is the relationship between the transaction confirmations and status?
The status of a transaction generally falls into three categories: Pending, Confirming, and Failed. In transaction details, 'TraceErr','receiptErr', or 'error' all indicate a failed transaction.
What is the difference between the overall information of pending transactions and the list of pending transactions of normal address?
The overall information of pending transactions is used to query the statistical status of all pending transactions in the entire public chain. There is no need to pass address parameters when using the API. For example: how many pending transactions in the BTC chain are queued, the average handling fee of all transactions, etc.
A pending transaction with a normal address is to query whether a specific address has a pending transaction. When using the API, you need to pass the address parameters.
When TRX creates a TRC20 token transaction, is the private key required?
Yes, any operation to initiate a transaction requires a private key. First use the private key to sign. For specific signing methods, please refer to Tokenview API Demo, put the corresponding signature result in the signature position of the API to make the transaction complete, and then call the broadcast api to send the transaction.
What should I do if the transaction request exceeds 50 pages and the response is 'Invalid parameters'?
Tokenview developer platform provides basic 2500 pieces of transaction data, 50 pieces per page. If you need more historical transaction data, please apply for the advanced customized version or contact us.
What should I do if the request is rejected more than 6 times per second?
The basic request frequency provided by the Tokenview developer platform is 300 times per minute, that is, 5 times per second. If you need to increase the request frequency, you can upgrade the frequency on the Dashboard.
What transactions are returned by the address's token transaction API?
The token transaction interface returns the transaction list of the specified token of the address, which does not include transaction information of other tokens. Transactions only include successful or failed transactions, excluding unconfirmed/pending transactions.
4. Questions about Address Tracking
Does not receive webhook notification?
1. Use the API document 'GET to query the monitored address list' or turn the page in the background to check whether one of the addresses included in the transaction is in the monitoring list and whether the address has been manually deleted;
2. Check whether the Webhook URL format is correct or runs normally;
3. Check whether there is a change in the balance of the main chain currency or token in this transaction. For example, if you transfer USDT-TRC20 to your own address without spending the TRX fee, and the balance has not changed, the transaction notification will not be pushed;
4. Check whether the network is busy. When the network is busy, push will fail. Please ping services.tokenview.io on the server and take a screenshot to provide feedback
5. If none of the above situations occur and you still have not received a transaction callback notification, please contact us through community support for feedback
Lost the monitored address?
1. Check whether the monitoring address was accidentally deleted;
2. Check whether the APIKEY of the monitoring address has been switched. The monitored address is bound to the APIKY. The Webhook URL is subject to the last modification;
3.If none of the above happens, please contact us for feedback through community support
Response error code 50004 when setting Webhook URL?
1. The Webhook URL needs to be written by the user according to his or her own needs and needs to be able to be called normally.
2. The response code of the URL needs to be 200, and the response body must return non-empty text information, such as OK.
3. If the above conditions are met, please check whether the SSL certificate is within the validity period.
4. If you still cannot solve the problem, please contact us through community support
How to set the 'Receive URL' in Address Tracking?
The receiving URL needs to be provided based on your own needs. For example, please refer to this article.
How to determine which wallet is depositing or withdrawing in the JSON received via webhook post for address tracking?
Address is the target address to be monitored. If Value is a negative number, funds are transferred out, and a positive number is funds transferred in.
If multiple messages are received for a monitored address at the same time,which parameter should be used to make a judgment?
Based on the transaction hash, the transaction hash of each transaction is different.
How to use Address Tracking?
Please refer to tutorial documentation
5. Questions about Tokenview Infura
How to use Infura APIs?
Please refer to the RPC Nodes Documentation
6. Questions about Stablecoins APIs
How to get stablecoins issue data using Stablecoins API?
Please refer to the document