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How to Query NFT Collection Data Using NFT API?

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How to Query NFT Collection Data Using NFT API?

As of today, NFT sales on the Ethereum have reached an all-time high of over $24 billion, up 20% from January, and the number of on-chain transactions has exceeded 9 million.

A large number of highly sought after collectibles have emerged in NFT trading, such as the Meebits series Cryptopunks, which saw a 17.17% increase in sales to more than $2.8 million in 24 hours.Yuga Labs announced that it has acquired the IP collection of CryptoPunks and Meebits NFT from Larva Labs, as well as the recent popularity of Moonbirds in the community. Different kinds of NFT have appeared on the world stage.

ERC721 and ERC20

We see all kinds of news about NFT all the time, going back to the source, what is NFT?

The NFT originated with the Ethereum Implementation Proposal 721 (EIP-721) in late 2017. Non-fungible tokens contain identifying information recorded in their smart contracts. This information makes each token unique and therefore cannot be directly replaced by another token.

The list of ERC721 tokens on Ethereum and the transfer information of each token can be queried using the Tokenview Ethereum explorer. open in new window

The following table lists the differences between ERC20 and ERC721:



The ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens are incompatible with each other. Thus, the ERC-1155 token protocol standard stands out for cross-chain compatibility. The ERC-1155 standard also makes its assets compatible with other ecosystems and able to operate across multiple blockchains.

Similarly, you can use the Tokenview Ethereum explorer to view ERC1155 tokens transaction information .Top of the list is Opensea Shared Storefront, launched by Opensea, which made 3,773 transfers in 24 hours. in new window


Tokenview, a multi-currency blockchain explorer and data platform, also has an NFT API ( in new window)that calls NFT data including ERC721 and ERC1155. It mainly includes:

1. ERC721/ERC1155 NFT holding proportion

  • 'quantity': 290,The number of 0x7381…e2ad addresses holding this NFT is 290
  • 'address': '0x7381c2e71a60cf9ef5ef8fbc7b040b390797e2ad',An address that holds this NFT
  • 'ratio': 0.9292489105357601,This address holds the proportion of the NFT

2. Number of NFT of ERC721/ERC1155 tokens held by the address


3. Transaction records of each ERC721/ERC1155 NFT ID

  • 'block_no': 14568803,The height of the block where this NFT ID is traded
  • 'tx': '0x7570cb6e2a2dfcdf3ccddb3768a67b63851114a971be2bbba8a297e84a11b681', Transaction Hash of this NFT ID;
  • 'timestamp': 1649740490, transaction time
  • 'token': '0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e',NFTcontract address;
  • 'from': '0x5f0373bd3785f292459b5db700e663e9fd3b14b9', The roll-out address of this NFT;
  • 'to': '0x8888888888e9997e64793849389a8faf5e8e547c',The roll-in address of this NFT;
  • 'nftid': '42975819958711721920232916901508235966651862508478342993704198279389415211009', NFT ID;
  • 'amount': '1',The number of transactions is 1

4. Specify the current address of the ERC721/ERC1155 NFT ID

  • 'owner': '0x2a1dc3355da17a9496b82065f368e9f2a6547f10',The current address of the NFT;
  • 'nftid': '2840',The ID of this NFT;
  • 'date': '2022-04-12', The time of owning the NFT with this ID;
  • 'amount': '1' The number of NFT's with this ID

More: Tokenview NFT APIopen in new window

About Tokenview Blockchain APIs & Data Service Platform:

Tokenview blockchain APIs & data service platform contained 120+ blockchains has powerful endpoints that simplify complex blockchain data into single API calls. Code for all supported blockchains using unified API calls. From here to easily get transaction, address, gas, contract, token, NFT, logs and any information from chain. And Yes you can also send tx to chain. One-click configuration with APIKey helps developers to Use, to Create, to Build.
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