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Get New Token Deployment Notification with Tokenview Transaction Tracking APIs

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Get New Token Deployment Notification with Tokenview Transaction Tracking APIs

"Token Deployment" refers to the process of creating and activating a token on a blockchain network. When a token is deployed, it means that the smart contract governing the token's behavior and properties has been successfully deployed to the blockchain, making the token operational and accessible to users.

Deploying a token typically involves the following steps:

Smart Contract Creation: A smart contract, which defines the rules and functionalities of the token, is created by a developer. This smart contract includes details such as the token's name, symbol, total supply, and any additional features such as minting, burning, or transfer restrictions.
Compilation: The smart contract code is compiled into bytecode, which can be executed by the blockchain's virtual machine.
Deployment: The compiled smart contract is deployed to the blockchain network. This involves submitting a transaction that contains the bytecode of the smart contract to be executed by the network's consensus mechanism.
Confirmation: Miners or validators on the blockchain network validate and confirm the transaction containing the smart contract deployment. Once confirmed, the smart contract becomes part of the blockchain's immutable ledger.
Token Availability: With the smart contract deployed, the token becomes available for use on the blockchain. Users can interact with the token by sending transactions, transferring tokens, or accessing its functionalities as defined in the smart contract.

Utilizing Tokenview Transaction Tracking APIs:

Effective monitoring of token deployment is crucial for investors, project teams, and regulatory bodies. By utilizing Tokenview Transaction Tracking APIs, stakeholders can ensure transparency, auditability, and compliance throughout the token deployment process.

To utilizeopen in new window, just set the network you want to monitor and explicitly set the trackType as "tokencreate", Tokenview Transaction Tracking API will monitor the token deployment activities on blockchain and send the alert to you once that happen:

curl --location '{apikey}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "currency": "ETH",
    "trackType": "tokencreate"

The message bodyopen in new window sent to you will contains creator address, token address, token name, token type, token decimal and the height and txid on which the token is deployed.

    "coin": "ETH",
    "confirmations": 1, // confirmations
    "creator": "0x8d47eaac5f9ccbe55de70801439fdd4613d74289", // creator address
    "height": 19481566, // block height
    "network": "ETH",   // The chain where the transaction occurs
    "time": 1711006247, // UTC timestamp
    "tokenAddress": "0xadff34ea821f1be68a610f9266733302c07c5d57",  // token address
    "tokenCategory": "RC20",    // token type
    "tokenDecimal": "9",        // token decimal
    "tokenName": "Chain AI",    // token name
    "tokenSymbol": "CAI",       // token symbol
    "totalSupply": "100000000", // token total supply
    "txChangeType": "tokencreate", // message type
    "txid": "0xa6be4a5781cd7ff649b6191352c39f522bbdcfeb400506873b8336bbd9a74be8" // transaction hash

Tokenview Transaction Tracking API provides an easy and offers a robust solution for monitoring token deployment activities on blockchain networks. By leveraging its features, users can gain real-time visibility into token creation, contract deployment, and distribution processes, enhancing transparency and accountability in the blockchain ecosystem. Whether for investment analysis, regulatory compliance, or project management, Tokenview Transaction Tracking provides valuable insights into the token deployment lifecycle, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions and mitigate risks effectively.

About Tokenview Blockchain APIs & Data Service Platform:

Tokenview blockchain APIs & data service platform contained 120+ blockchains has powerful endpoints that simplify complex blockchain data into single API calls. Code for all supported blockchains using unified API calls. From here to easily get transaction, address, gas, contract, token, NFT, logs and any information from chain. And Yes you can also send tx to chain. One-click configuration with APIKey helps developers to Use, to Create, to Build.
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